Man, 39 years old
France (59)
Nrj - Lexusss - Chat with him - Rencontre Nord


dial tranquille voir plus si feeling. de voiture allemande(R32,Rs6) et de motos(R1; 1100zzr). La vie est un mystère a vivre et non un problème a résoudre,,,, Muscu et boxe a mes heurs perdu,,,,,!


Looking for a woman


Friendship - Dating Serious

Size & Weight

170 cm 75 kg

My interests

Autos // Motos Reading Computers and Internet Family Fashion and Trend Beauty / / Health / / Wellness Gifts Home and Gardening Music Sports Telecommunications Travel Audio // Video // TV Dating Going Out Animals Bargains


I am pretty popular


Zodiac sign


Cancer strength is to be emotive, needs to be supporting and righteousness. His greatest desire is a balanced family life. The natives of Cancer are very relevant and often inspired. Their responsiveness and care for others is exceptional. They appreciate security and dialogue. They love zen situations and are very attentive to their friends and families. Cancers choose things at the same time strong and beautiful. Fragile beings, they are strongly affected by aggressive behaviors and can be very picky. During their lives, they try to prevent or resolve situations of pressure or competition, avoiding controversy.


Louis Amstrong, Gina Lollobrigida, Lady Diana, etc.

Chinese Zodiac


The Ox is placed, organized and has a great mind power He may seem soft at first contact, but he works without failing to fulfil his mission. That's why, he often reaches his objectives at first. He is solid, sometimes sulky and radiates honesty.


The natives of the Ox are hardworking, steadfast and organized. They are pain resistant and have a great sense of devotion. The Ox is individual, noble, do not feel sorry and very sincere.


Some natives of the Ox can be soft, stubborn and despotic. This can lead some people to get away from them. Sometimes they are strong and even possessive and resentful. They also lack of the craziness that would improve their lives.

My lucky numbers are

1, 3, 5, 12, 15, 33, 35, 51, 53,